Account name: TheSlow
Serial or IP address: 1EE16DE87D9CB69B34070A58C601E3E4
Punishment: Ban
Punishment reason: Advertising
Punishment length: Permament
Punishment issuer (if known): Unknown
Punishment date (if known): Unknown
*Explain why do you think the punishment was not justified.*
I accidentally pressed the bind key please remove it.I promise I will never do it again.
Serial or IP address: 1EE16DE87D9CB69B34070A58C601E3E4
Punishment: Ban
Punishment reason: Advertising
Punishment length: Permament
Punishment issuer (if known): Unknown
Punishment date (if known): Unknown
*Explain why do you think the punishment was not justified.*
I accidentally pressed the bind key please remove it.I promise I will never do it again.