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Make Zombies Great Again!

MTA 1.6 update

The server has been updated to MTA:SA Server v1.6-release-21861.
Please update your MTA version to continue playing.

Notable changes:
  • Fixed Bloodring Banger animation. This also means that Bloodring Banger can no longer be locked, as entry happens through the window
  • Zombie targeting now takes your Z coordinate into account
  • The money cap has been raised from 99.999.999 (8 digits) to 999.999.999 (9 digits) to match the maximum native UI value
  • More breakable custom map objects
  • Server FPS limit raised to 74
  • Many high FPS-related inconsistency issues have been fixed
  • Added missing GTA special character skins (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 42, 65, 86, 119, 273, 289)
  • Pictures taken with the camera weapon are now saved in higher quality
  • Scoreboard can now display player countries (opt-in)
  • New graphics setting for PS2-style sun glare effect
To display your country in the scoreboard, enable the setting in the scoreboard settings.


Happy holidays everyone!

This year, we are having an event similar to Easter eggs. Giftboxes containing various items will spawn all over San Andreas for you to collect.

Snow mode is now enabled and fireworks are right around the corner as well.


PvP Speed & Skin mods

This update aims to further improve the competitive setting in PvP to deal with the growing demand for it.
From community feedback, we have gathered that competitive gameplay is stifled by two major issues: speed boosts and skin mods.

Zone speed
To deal with the first issue, we are introducing a voting system that the players will use to decide what game speed the PvP zone should have.
Currently, votes will include 3 options: 1x, 1.5x, and 2x.
This game speed will be enforced on all players inside the PvP zone regardless of what status effects they have.
Exiting the PvP zone will revert the game speed based on active status effects.
The speed vote will be cast every 30 minutes for all players who are in the PvP zone or were in the PvP zone in the last 10 minutes.
The 10-minute rule does not apply if the player had disconnected from the server during that time.

Skin mods
Ped and vehicle skin mods will be automatically disabled upon entering the PvP zone and will have to be manually re-enabled after exiting it.
An exception is made for ped skin texture mods.

Vehicle ghost-mode

For a long time now we were receiving feedback regarding various griefing methods using vehicles.
To counter such actions, we have added ghost-mode for all vehicles inside base safezones.

What is ghost-mode?
Ghost-mode essentially means that your vehicle will not collide with other vehicles or players inside a safezone allowing you to drive through them.

Everything outside of safezones will remain unchanged. Squad bases are also not affected by this update.

Player blips & PvP

This is a small update aimed to improve PvP experience in the server.

Zombie player blips will no longer be visible to human players. Same rule applies the other way around.
Human player blip color has been changed to light grey to match Military team color.

To prevent new players from being exploited in PvP, a similar update has been added to map tracking feature.
The settings panel will now contain 3 different tracking modes.
By default this will be set to "Allow others to mark me outside of PvP", which means that other players will be able to mark you as long as they are not in a team that has PvP enabled with your team.
For example, zombie players won't be able to mark human players, but will be allowed to mark other zombies players. Survivors won't be allowed to mark anyone with this setting.

If a player gets marked and then switches to a different team, tracking blips will be removed for all players who are no longer eligible to track that player.
If a player changes their tracking setting, it will take effect immediately.

We are also changing PvP reward limits:
Human kills human: $10000
Zombie kills human: $5000
Human kills zombie: $2500

Forum & Game Accounts

Game and forum accounts are now bridged! This means that you can now log in to forum using your game account credentials.

Everyone who had a verified email attached to their game account and who used the same email address on forum will have their forum and server accounts merged. If that is not the case, you may still log in to your forum account using your forum account credentials, but make sure to tick this checkbox:

If you wish to connect your game account to your old forum account, but didn't meet the criteria then open a support topic and we will help you out.

New forum account registrations are closed, if you wish to use the forum, you must own a game account with a verified email address.

Chat bubbles

Following chat messages has just become easier! All chat messages will now temporarily appear on top of player heads.
This feature can be toggled in the misc category of the settings panel.


We have released a number of improvements and measures to prevent various exploits in the PvP zone and ensure a fair experience for everyone.

VIPs will no longer be able to warp inside the PvP zone with the exception of squad bases (warping from squad bases is also possible).
Military and PvP teams can no longer inflict damage to each other.
The PvP warning will now appear before entering the PvP zone.
The time until PvP is activated has been reduced to 3 seconds.
Combat Shotgun can no longer inflict headshots to players.
Some animations can no longer be played inside PvP zone.
The PvP zone has been expanded north to include some ocean area for naval battles.
Fixed disconnection penalties applying after death to zombie players.
Fixed combat timers not disappearing after dying.

New reward system
The amount of money that the killer takes from the victim will now depend on how much money the killer has. This means that players can only take as much money as they can lose. If the environment kills a player, the money loss only depends on the victim's money.
Rewards for players who are near spawn points have been completely disabled. This mean that no money will be lost when dying near a spawn point and no money will be gained for killing players near spawn points.

Account wipe

As of 2020 March 5th, we will begin the database cleanup process.
All server accounts which were not logged into since 2019 will be erased.
This is approximately 89% of all server accounts.

If you have an old account which you would like to keep then make sure that you log in with it now.
If you miss this announcement, you can still ask your account to be recovered in the support forum until 2020/04/01. After that, these accounts will be lost forever.

The K.A.C.C. Facility

Today we are bringing you a new game mission. The goal of this mission is to investigate a secret underground military facility located at Las Venturas, K.A.C.C. Military Fuels. Not only is this facility infested with zombie soldiers and crawlers, but it also on the brink of collapsing. There is loot in various places and those who reach the end will get cash and XP rewards. Many challenges await so gather your team and get ready!

Credits to our mapper Hoyt for this incredible piece of work!

The mission is indicated by a bulldozer icon on the map.